Definition of recline




The origin of the word "recline" can be traced back to the Middle English term "reclinen," which emerged in the 14th century. It is derived from the Old French verb "recliner," meaning "to lean back." The Old French word itself can be traced back to the Latin verb "reclinare," which also had the meaning of "to lean back." The Latin term is formed from the prefix "re-," meaning "back," and the verb "clinare," which translates to "to bend or lean." In its original use in the Middle English period, "reclinen" was used to describe the act of bending or leaning backward, often as a means of lying down or resting. Over time, the word came to more specifically refer to the act of resting or sleeping in a reclined position, as we use it today. Overall, the word "recline" tells a story of linguistic evolution, reflecting the history and development of both the English and French languages as they were spoken and written centuries ago. Its origins demonstrate the interconnectedness of these languages over time, and how they continue to influence one another even today.


to sit or lie in a relaxed way, with your body leaning backwards

ngồi hoặc nằm một cách thoải mái, với cơ thể nghiêng về phía sau

  • She was reclining on a sofa.

    Cô đang ngả lưng trên ghế sofa.

  • a reclining figure (= for example in a painting)

    một nhân vật nằm nghiêng (= ví dụ trong một bức tranh)

when a seat reclines or when you recline a seat, the back of it moves into a comfortable, sloping position

khi ngả ghế hoặc khi bạn ngả ghế, lưng ghế sẽ chuyển sang vị trí nghiêng, thoải mái

  • a reclining chair

    một chiếc ghế ngả lưng