Definition of rebelliously


một cách phản loạn


The word "rebelliously" originates from the Old French word "rebeler," which means "to refuse to obey." This Old French word is derived from the Latin words "re-" (meaning "again" or "anew") and "bellum" (meaning "war" or "civil war"). In the 15th century, the English language adopted the word "rebellious" and later added the suffix "-ly" to form the adverb "rebelliously." Throughout history, the word "rebelliously" has been used to describe actions or attitudes that are contrary to authority or convention. For instance, a person who acts rebelliously might refuse to follow rules, challenge authority, or resist change. Despite its negative connotations, the word "rebelliously" has also been used to describe courageous or heroic actions, particularly in the context of political activism or social movements.


in a way that shows that you are unwilling to obey rules or follow generally accepted standards of behaviour, dress, etc.

theo cách cho thấy rằng bạn không sẵn sàng tuân theo các quy tắc hoặc tuân theo các tiêu chuẩn chung về hành vi, trang phục, v.v.

  • ‘I don't care!’ she said rebelliously.

    "Tôi không quan tâm!" cô ấy nói một cách phản kháng.

in a way that is opposed to the government of a country or to those in authority within an organization

theo cách trái ngược với chính phủ của một quốc gia hoặc với những người có thẩm quyền trong một tổ chức

  • He incited the people to rise up rebelliously against the king.

    Ông kích động nhân dân nổi dậy chống lại nhà vua.