Definition of rascal




The word "rascal" has a fascinating history! It originated in the 15th century from the Old French word "rascale," meaning "mischievous" or "rogue." The term likely arose from the idea of a rascal being a pickpocket or a sly thief. Over time, the definition evolved to encompass someone who was cunning, deceptive, or troublesome. In the 17th century, the word gained connotations of mischief and playfulness, implying a sense of humor and wit. Today, "rascal" is often used affectionately to describe someone who is cheeky, clever, or a bit of a troublemaker, but ultimately well-meaning. I hope that's a helpful origin story!


a person, especially a child or man, who shows a lack of respect for other people and enjoys playing tricks on them

một người, đặc biệt là trẻ em hoặc đàn ông, tỏ ra thiếu tôn trọng người khác và thích trêu chọc họ

  • Come here, you little rascal!

    Hãy đến đây, đồ khốn kiếp!

  • I hear the old rascal’s been causing trouble again.

    Tôi nghe nói tên khốn già đó lại gây rắc rối nữa.

  • What have the little rascals been up to now?

    Những kẻ bất lương nhỏ đã làm gì bây giờ?

a dishonest man

một người đàn ông không trung thực