Definition of villain


nhân vật phản diện


The origin of the word "villain" can be traced back to the Old French language, where it was spelled as "vilain" or "vilenoit." In Old French, the word described a person of low birth, often a peasant or a serf, who served as a vassal to a higher-ranking lord. The word made its way into Middle English in the 1300s, where it was used to describe a person of low social status, often with connotations of criminality or moral depravity. It was during this time that the word began to take on more negative connotations, such as cruel or villainous behavior. In Shakespearean drama, the word "villain" was used to describe any character who opposed the hero, regardless of their social status. This usage has continued into modern literature and popular culture, where the term is often used to describe any character who possesses negative qualities, such as greed, cruelty, or malevolence. Despite the negative connotations associated with the word, there have been attempts to reclaim it in certain contexts. For example, in the 1960s, British singer Adam Faith adopted "Villain" as his stage name as a way to subvert the traditional meaning of the word and embrace its connotations of rebelliousness and subversion. In summary, the word "villain" originated in Old French as a descriptor of a person of low social status, and has since taken on more negative connotations in English, particularly in reference to characters in literature and popular culture who display negative qualities or behaviors.


the main bad character in a story, play, etc.

nhân vật xấu chính trong một câu chuyện, vở kịch, v.v.

  • He often plays the part of the villain.

    Anh thường đóng vai phản diện.

Extra examples:
  • He doesn't fit the standard stereotype of a movie villain.

    Anh ta không phù hợp với khuôn mẫu tiêu chuẩn của một nhân vật phản diện trong phim.

  • He has played villains in most of his films.

    Anh ấy đã đóng vai phản diện trong hầu hết các bộ phim của mình.

  • He wore a black cloak, like a pantomime villain.

    Anh ta mặc một chiếc áo choàng đen, giống như một nhân vật phản diện kịch câm.

  • The Queen in ‘Snow White’ is one of film's greatest villains.

    Nữ hoàng trong ‘Bạch Tuyết’ là một trong những nhân vật phản diện vĩ đại nhất của phim.

a person who is morally bad or responsible for causing trouble or harm

một người có đạo đức xấu hoặc chịu trách nhiệm gây rắc rối hoặc tổn hại

  • the heroes and villains of the 20th century

    những anh hùng và nhân vật phản diện của thế kỷ 20

  • Industrialized nations are the real environmental villains.

    Các quốc gia công nghiệp hóa thực sự là những kẻ hung ác về môi trường.

Extra examples:
  • He felt that the insurance companies were the real villains in all this.

    Anh ấy cảm thấy rằng các công ty bảo hiểm mới là kẻ thủ ác thực sự trong tất cả những chuyện này.

  • She seems to have cast me as the villain in her latest emotional upheaval.

    Có vẻ như cô ấy đã chọn tôi vào vai nhân vật phản diện trong biến động tình cảm mới nhất của cô ấy.

a criminal

một tên tội phạm

  • The police still haven't caught the villain.

    Cảnh sát vẫn chưa bắt được kẻ thủ ác.


have/want none of something
to refuse to accept something
  • I offered to pay but he was having none of it.
  • They pretended to be enthusiastic about my work but then suddenly decided they wanted none of it.
  • none but
  • None but he knew the truth.
  • none the less
    despite this fact
    none other than
    used to emphasize who or what somebody/something is, when this is surprising
  • Her first customer was none other than Mrs Obama.