Definition of rancid




The word "rancid" comes from the Old French word "ranc," which translated to English means "sour" or " bitter." During the Middle Ages, the word specifically referred to the spoilage of animal fats, such as those used in cooking and lighting. As animal fats were an important resource for daily life during this time, people began noticing that fats left exposed to air and heat would eventually turn sour and develop a foul odor. This process, known as "rancidity," was a result of the breakdown of the fatty acids in the fat by enzymes or bacteria. The word "rancid" was officially adopted into the English language in the 16th century and still carries its original meaning today. It is commonly used to describe spoiled fats used in cooking, such as rancid butter, as well as other substances that degrade over time and develop unpleasant odors or flavors, such as rancid oils or medications.

  • The leftovers from last night's dinner had a rancid odor and had to be tossed out.

    Thức ăn thừa từ bữa tối hôm qua có mùi ôi thiu và phải vứt đi.

  • The milk in the fridge had gone rancid, and my morning coffee tasted unpleasant as a result.

    Sữa trong tủ lạnh đã bị ôi thiu, và do đó, cà phê buổi sáng của tôi có vị rất khó uống.

  • The cheese in the corner of the cheese plate had turned rancid, ruining the entire display for the party.

    Miếng phô mai ở góc đĩa phô mai đã bị ôi thiu, làm hỏng toàn bộ màn trình bày của bữa tiệc.

  • The fats in the nuts had started to go rancid, making them unappetizing to eat.

    Chất béo trong hạt đã bắt đầu bị ôi thiu, khiến chúng trở nên kém ngon khi ăn.

  • The old bread in the cupboard smelled rancid, and my wife recommended we throw it out.

    Chiếc bánh mì cũ trong tủ có mùi ôi thiu, và vợ tôi khuyên chúng tôi nên vứt nó đi.

  • The trapped fruit in the bottom of the fruit bowl had become rancid and had to be discarded.

    Trái cây bị kẹt ở đáy bát đựng trái cây đã bị ôi thiu và phải bỏ đi.

  • The rancid smell of the car seat covers indicated they had not been cleaned in far too long.

    Mùi hôi thối từ vỏ ghế ô tô cho thấy chúng đã không được giặt trong thời gian quá dài.

  • The old cooking oil in the back of the cabinet had turned rancid, and my husband suggested we replace it.

    Dầu ăn cũ ở phía sau tủ đã bị ôi thiu, và chồng tôi đề nghị chúng tôi thay dầu.

  • The library book I had failed to return on time had gone rancid, leading to a hefty fine.

    Cuốn sách mượn thư viện mà tôi không trả đúng hạn đã bị ôi thiu, dẫn đến khoản tiền phạt khá lớn.

  • The engine of the car had started to develop a rancid smell as it struggled to power the vehicle forward.

    Động cơ của xe bắt đầu có mùi hôi thối khi nó phải vật lộn để đưa xe về phía trước.