Definition of queasily


buồn nôn


The word "queasily" has a fascinating origin. It is an adverb that means "in a way that is uneasy or troublesome." The word can be traced back to the 14th century when it was first used to describe something that is done with a sense of hesitation or reluctance. The word "queasy" itself has its roots in the Latin word "quasi," meaning "nearly" or "almost." Over time, the word "queasy" evolved to mean "uncomfortable" or "unsettling," and "queasily" was naturally derived from it to describe the manner in which something is done. In modern English, "queasily" is often used to describe actions that are done with a sense of discomfort or uncertainty, such as "she queasily handed me the document" or "he queasily agreed to the plan."


in a way that makes you feel sick

theo cách khiến bạn cảm thấy buồn nôn

  • His stomach was churning queasily.

    Bụng anh quặn lên một cách khó chịu.

in a slightly worried or nervous way

theo một cách hơi lo lắng hoặc căng thẳng

  • ‘This isn't what you think it is,’ said Lorna queasily.

    "Chuyện này không như anh nghĩ đâu", Lorna nói một cách buồn nôn.