Definition of propagation


Lan truyền


The word "propagation" comes from the Latin word "propagare," meaning "to spread, extend, or multiply." This root word also gave us "propagate," which initially referred to the spreading of plants by cuttings or seeds. Over time, "propagation" expanded to encompass the transmission or dissemination of ideas, knowledge, or even disease. Its core meaning, however, remains rooted in the idea of something spreading and growing outwards.


the act of spreading ideas, beliefs or information among many people

hành động truyền bá ý tưởng, niềm tin hoặc thông tin giữa nhiều người

  • the propagation of the Christian gospel

    việc truyền bá phúc âm Kitô giáo

the act of producing new plants from a parent plant

hành động tạo ra cây mới từ cây mẹ

  • a book on seed propagation of shrubs and trees

    một cuốn sách về nhân giống cây bụi và cây