Definition of predictably


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The word "predictably" has its origins in the mid-17th century. It is a combination of the adjective "predictable" and the suffix "-ly," which forms an adverb that indicates the manner in which something happens. The word "predictable" itself comes from the Latin "praedicere," meaning "to declare beforehand" or "to prophesy." In the early 17th century, the word "predictable" emerged to describe something that can be foreseen or anticipated. The adverbial form "predictably" followed shortly after, and was initially used to describe an action or event that occurs in a way that is customary or expected. Over time, the word "predictably" has taken on a connotation of inevitability, implying that something is destined to happen in a certain way. For example, "The company's profits are predictably high during the holiday season."


in such a way that you know in advance that something will happen or what it will be like

theo cách mà bạn biết trước rằng điều gì đó sẽ xảy ra hoặc nó sẽ như thế nào

  • Prices were predictably high.

    Giá cả ở mức cao như dự đoán.

  • Predictably, the new regulations proved unpopular.

    Đúng như dự đoán, các quy định mới này không được ủng hộ.

in a way that you would expect and which is therefore boring

theo cách mà bạn mong đợi và do đó rất nhàm chán

  • Everyone was predictably outraged by her comments.

    Đúng như dự đoán, mọi người đều phẫn nộ trước bình luận của cô.