Definition of plotter


người vẽ sơ đồ


The term "plotter" originated in the 15th century from the Old French word "ploter," meaning "to fold" or "to modify." In printing, a plotter initially referred to a device that manually folded and gathered printed sheets into a specific order, creating a plot or layout. This technique was known as "plotting" or "plotting the sheets." Over time, the term "plotter" evolved to describe an automated device that used pens or inkjet technology to draw or print images, such as graphs, diagrams, and charts, on a physical medium, such as paper or film. This technology was often used in architecture, engineering, and graphic design to create detailed drawings and blueprints. Today, the term "plotter" is still used to describe these devices, which have become an essential tool in various industries, from drafting and design to art and architecture.


a person who makes a secret plan to harm somebody

một người lập kế hoạch bí mật để làm hại ai đó

  • He alleged that the plotters had intended to assassinate him.

    Ông cáo buộc những kẻ chủ mưu có ý định ám sát ông.

  • a coup plotter

    một kẻ âm mưu đảo chính

Related words and phrases

a device that turns data from a computer into a graph

một thiết bị chuyển dữ liệu từ máy tính thành đồ thị