Definition of mapping


lập bản đồ


The origin of the word "mapping" dates back to the 14th century. The term "map" comes from Old French "mappe," which was derived from the Latin "mappa," meaning "napkin" or "cloth." This Latin word was likely used to describe the practice of mapping out territories or spaces on a cloth or parchment. The verb "to map" initially meant "to fold or lay out a chart or map" and was used in the context of navigation and cartography. Over time, the meaning of "to map" expanded to include the act of creating a representation of an area, object, or concept. In the 17th century, the term "mapping" became a common verb, referring to the process of creating maps, diagrams, or charts to visualize and communicate information. Today, the word "mapping" is used in various fields, including geography, biology, computer science, and mental health, to name a few.


the process of making a map of an area

quá trình tạo bản đồ của một khu vực

  • the mapping of the Indian subcontinent

    việc lập bản đồ tiểu lục địa Ấn Độ

the process of discovering or giving information about something, especially the way it is arranged or organized

quá trình khám phá hoặc cung cấp thông tin về một cái gì đó, đặc biệt là cách nó được sắp xếp hoặc tổ chức

  • gene mapping

    lập bản đồ gen

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