Definition of thermal




The word "thermal" comes from the Greek word "therme" which means a place of heat. In the 17th century, the term "thermal" was adopted by scientists to describe phenomena related to heat. In physics, thermal refers to the branch of science that deals with heat energy and its effects on matter. It can also refer to equipment or devices used for generating, controlling, or measuring heat, such as thermal insulation, thermal cameras, or thermal power plants. In chemistry, thermal relates to chemical reactions that are influenced by temperature, such as thermal decomposition, which is the breakdown of a compound into simpler substances due to the application of heat. Overall, the term "thermal" has become an essential part of modern technology and scientific terminology, highlighting the importance of heat in various fields of study and application.


connected with heat

kết nối với nhiệt

  • thermal energy

    năng lượng nhiệt

designed to keep you warm by preventing heat from escaping from the body

được thiết kế để giữ ấm cho bạn bằng cách ngăn nhiệt thoát ra khỏi cơ thể

  • thermal underwear

    đồ giữ ấm mặc bên trong

in which the water has been naturally heated by the earth

trong đó nước được trái đất làm nóng một cách tự nhiên

  • thermal springs

    suối nước nóng