Definition of penetration


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The word "penetration" originated from the Latin word "penetrate" which means "to pass through" or "to enter into." In its earliest use, the term referred to the act of piercing or puncturing, such as the penetration of an arrow into a target. However, by the Middle Ages, the meaning of "penetrate" had broadened to include the notion of entering or invading a physical space, such as the penetration of a castle's walls during a military siege. This meaning eventually evoked a figurative sense of entering or influencing a subject, such as the penetration of an idea into a person's thought process. In the late 19th century, the term "sexual penetration" was first used in medical discourse to describe the act of a penis entering a vagina during sexual activity. Since then, the usage of "penetration" has expanded to encompass other forms of penetration, such as anal penetration and oral penetration, in both sexual and non-sexual contexts. Overall, "penetration" has gone through a diverse evolution, from a simple act of piercing or entering, to a complex idea of influence, invasion, and sexuality. Its varied usage reflects the dynamic nature of the human experience and the ongoing evolution of language to express it.


the act or process of making a way into or through something

hành động hoặc quá trình thực hiện một cách vào hoặc thông qua một cái gì đó

  • The floor is sealed to prevent water penetration.

    Sàn nhà được bịt kín để ngăn chặn sự xâm nhập của nước.

  • the company’s successful penetration of overseas markets

    sự thâm nhập thành công của công ty vào thị trường nước ngoài

  • Our aim is to achieve greater market penetration.

    Mục tiêu của chúng tôi là đạt được sự thâm nhập thị trường lớn hơn.

  • The country has the highest smartphone penetration in Europe.

    Quốc gia này có tỷ lệ sử dụng điện thoại thông minh cao nhất ở châu Âu.

the act of putting the penis into a partner’s vagina or anus

hành động đưa dương vật vào âm đạo hoặc hậu môn của bạn tình