Definition of pardon


xin thứ lỗi


The word "pardon" has a rich history that dates back to the 13th century. It is derived from the Old French word "pardon," which is itself a derivative of the Latin phrase "per donum," meaning "through a gift" or "by a gift." In medieval times, a pardon was a writ or document issued by a king or lord, granting forgiveness and immunity to a person or group for a crime or offense. The word "pardon" originally referred to the act of granting this forgiveness, and over time it took on a sense of absolution or forgiveness itself. Today, the word "pardon" is used in a variety of contexts, including politics, law, and everyday language, to refer to the act of forgiving or pardoning someone for a wrong or offense.


used to ask somebody to repeat something because you did not hear it or did not understand it

dùng để yêu cầu ai đó nhắc lại điều gì đó vì bạn không nghe hoặc không hiểu nó

  • ‘You're very quiet today.’ ‘Pardon?’ ‘I said you're very quiet today.’

    ‘Hôm nay bạn im lặng quá.’ ‘Xin lỗi?’ ‘Tôi đã nói hôm nay bạn rất im lặng.’

used by some people to say ‘sorry’ when they have said or done something wrong, usually by accident

được một số người sử dụng để nói “xin lỗi” khi họ đã nói hoặc làm sai điều gì đó, thường là do vô tình