Definition of parapet


lan can


The word "parapet" originated in medieval French and is a combination of the words "para" meaning "beside" or "alongside" and "pied" meaning "foot" or "edge." When castles and fortified structures were being constructed during this time, walls were built with a raised portion along their edges known as a merlon, which provided an outlook or defense point. The space between the merlon and the base of the wall was filled with a low vertical barrier known as a crenellation or machicolation. This lower barrier protected against scaling and provided safety for archers and other defenders stationed on the parapet. Over time, the term "parapet" came to refer specifically to this protective wall or raised element along the edge of a structure.


a low wall along the edge of a bridge, a roof, etc. to stop people from falling

bức tường thấp dọc theo mép cầu, mái nhà, v.v. để ngăn người ta ngã

  • A low parapet ran all around the flat roof.

    Một lan can thấp chạy quanh mái bằng.

a wall or barrier placed in order to protect soldiers from being shot

một bức tường hoặc rào chắn được đặt để bảo vệ binh lính khỏi bị bắn

  • He was not prepared to put his head above the parapet and say what he really thought (= he did not want to risk doing it).

    Anh ấy chưa sẵn sàng để ngẩng đầu lên trên lan can và nói những gì anh ấy thực sự nghĩ (= anh ấy không muốn mạo hiểm làm điều đó).