Definition of fortification


công sự


The word "fortification" is derived from the medieval Latin term "fortificatio," which means the act of making something strong or secure. The concept of fortification in its modern military sense emerged during the medieval era, when European castles and forts were built to withstand siege and defend against invading armies. Fortifications served as defensive structures designed to protect settlements, cities, and strategic points from hostile forces. These structures often included natural or artificial barriers such as walls, ditches, and ramparts. They were also equipped with artillery, weapons, and troops to repel attackers. Over time, the design and construction of fortifications evolved to meet the changing demands of warfare. This adaptation led to the development of new techniques such as the bastion, a polygonal fortification position with exterior angles, which provided enhanced protection against artillery bombardment. The use of more sophisticated engineering and siege tunnels, siege towers, and ladders improved the effectiveness of siege warfare, enabling besieging armies to breach enemy fortifications and capture them. Nevertheless, the primacy of fortifications endured, with defenses being a critical element in the strategic planning of many military campaigns. Today, the word "fortification" retains its military meaning as the act of constructing, building, or developing fortified positions or structures, and refers to the process of making something strong, secure, or impregnable against attack.


a tower, wall, gun position, etc. built to defend a place against attack

một tháp, bức tường, vị trí đặt súng, v.v. được xây dựng để bảo vệ một nơi chống lại sự tấn công

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    thành lũy và công sự của Phố cổ

the act of fortifying or making something stronger

hành động củng cố hoặc làm cho một cái gì đó mạnh mẽ hơn

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