Definition of olive


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Definition of undefined

The word "olive" has a rich history! The origin of the word "olive" comes from the Latin "oliva," which is derived from the Greek "élaia" (ἔλαία). The Latin word "oliva" referred specifically to the fruit of the olive tree, and it is also the source of the adjective "olivaceous," meaning having a greenish-yellow color. The olive tree has been cultivated for thousands of years, particularly in the Mediterranean region, where it is native. The ancient Greeks and Romans prized the olive tree for its oil, which was used for cooking, lighting, and as a form of currency. The word "olive" has since been adopted into many languages, including English, and has become a popular reference in cuisine, culture, and even symbolism. Whether you're enjoying a drizzle of olive oil on your pasta or reflecting on the symbolism of peace and prosperity, the word "olive" has a profound impact on our daily lives.


a small green or black fruit with a strong taste, which is eaten or used for its oil

một loại trái cây nhỏ màu xanh hoặc đen có vị đậm đà, được ăn hoặc dùng để lấy dầu

a tree on which olives grow

một cái cây trên đó ô liu mọc

  • olive groves

    lùm ô liu

a grey-green colour

một màu xanh xám