Definition of oddments


những thứ lặt vặt


The word "oddments" has a fascinating origin. It dates back to the 14th century when it was used as a noun meaning "leftover" or "remainder". The word is derived from the Old English word "odd", which means "one" or "single", and the suffix "-ments", which is a plural form. Initially, "oddments" referred to individual items or fragments that were left over or remained after a larger quantity had been used or consumed. Over time, the meaning of "oddments" expanded to include small or miscellaneous items that don't fit into a particular category, such as leftover food, scraps of fabric, or unusual or unusual objects. Today, "oddments" is commonly used to describe a collection of miscellaneous items, often used in phrases like "buying oddments at a garage sale" or "picking up oddments at the thrift store".


small pieces of cloth, wood, etc. that are left after a larger piece has been used to make something

những mảnh vải, gỗ nhỏ, v.v. còn sót lại sau khi đã sử dụng một mảnh lớn hơn để làm ra thứ gì đó

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small items that are not valuable or are not part of a larger set

những vật dụng nhỏ không có giá trị hoặc không phải là một phần của một bộ lớn hơn

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