Definition of bit


miếng, mảnh


Definition of undefined

The word "bit" has a fascinating origin. It comes from Middle English "byten," which means "to bite." This verb is derived from the Old English "bītan," also meaning "to bite." During the 17th century, the term "bit" began to be used in the context of horse riding, referring to a piece of metal attached to a bridle that allows the rider to control the horse. In the 20th century, the term "bit" took on a new meaning in the field of computer programming. A "bit" became a unit of digital information, representing a single binary value (0 or 1). This usage emerged from the concept of electrical switches, where a "bit" was a physical switch that could be either on (1) or off (0). Over time, the word "bit" has expanded to various other meanings, including a small portion or piece of something, or even a casual social encounter. Nonetheless, the root of the word remains tied to its ancient sense of biting or being nibbled.

small amount

rather; to some extent

hơn là; đến một mức độ nào

  • These trousers are a bit tight.

    Quần này hơi chật.

  • ‘Are you tired?’ ‘Yes, I am a bit.’

    ‘Bạn có mệt không?’ ‘Có, tôi hơi mệt.’

  • I was a bit disappointed by the film.

    Tôi hơi thất vọng về bộ phim.

  • It costs a bit more than I wanted to spend.

    Nó đắt hơn một chút so với mức tôi muốn chi tiêu.

  • The future looks a little bit brighter this morning.

    Tương lai có vẻ tươi sáng hơn một chút vào sáng nay.

  • I felt a wee bit guilty about it.

    Tôi cảm thấy hơi tội lỗi về điều đó.

  • I can lend you fifty pounds, if you want. That should help a bit.

    Tôi có thể cho bạn vay năm mươi bảng nếu bạn muốn. Điều đó sẽ giúp ích một chút.

Extra examples:
  • I'm still just a bit confused.

    Tôi vẫn còn hơi bối rối.

  • He helped me a little bit in the afternoon.

    Anh ấy giúp tôi một chút vào buổi chiều.

Related words and phrases

a short time or distance

một thời gian ngắn hoặc khoảng cách

  • Wait a bit!

    Chờ một chút!

  • Can you move up a bit?

    Bạn có thể di chuyển lên một chút?

  • Greg thought for a bit before answering.

    Greg suy nghĩ một chút trước khi trả lời.

  • See you in a bit.

    Hẹn gặp bạn lát nữa.

a small amount or piece of something

một lượng nhỏ hoặc một phần của một cái gì đó

  • Here are some useful bits of information.

    Dưới đây là một số thông tin hữu ích.

  • I have a bit of good news for you.

    Tôi có một chút tin tốt cho bạn.

  • Let me give you a little bit of advice.

    Hãy để tôi cho bạn một lời khuyên nhỏ.

  • With a bit of luck, we'll be there by 12.

    Với một chút may mắn, chúng ta sẽ đến đó trước 12 giờ.

  • I've got a bit of shopping to do.

    Tôi có chút việc phải đi mua sắm.

  • bits of paper/wood/plastic

    mảnh giấy/gỗ/nhựa

Extra examples:
  • Here's a bit of news that may interest you.

    Đây là một chút tin tức có thể bạn quan tâm.

  • Do you want a bit of pizza?

    Bạn có muốn ăn một chút pizza không?

  • Can you save me a bit?

    Bạn có thể cứu tôi một chút được không?

  • A big bit of plaster just fell down from the ceiling.

    Một mảng thạch cao vừa rơi xuống từ trần nhà.

  • She tore the letter up and threw it on the floor. Marion stooped to pick up the bits.

    Cô xé lá thư và ném nó xuống sàn. Marion cúi xuống nhặt những mảnh vụn.

  • I've bought a nice bit of fish for dinner.

    Tôi đã mua một ít cá ngon cho bữa tối.

  • I'm worried because bits keep falling off my car.

    Tôi lo lắng vì những mảnh vỡ liên tục rơi ra khỏi xe của tôi.

  • He managed to get odd bits of work, but no regular job.

    Anh ấy cố gắng kiếm được một số công việc lặt vặt, nhưng không có công việc thường xuyên.

part of something

a part of something larger

một phần của cái gì đó lớn hơn

  • The best bit of the holiday was seeing the Grand Canyon.

    Điều tuyệt vời nhất trong kỳ nghỉ là được nhìn thấy Grand Canyon.

  • I read it, but I missed out the boring bits.

    Mình đọc rồi nhưng bỏ sót mấy đoạn nhàm chán.

  • I like the bit about owls in the first chapter.

    Tôi thích một chút về con cú trong chương đầu tiên.

Extra examples:
  • Listen to the interview again and pick out the bits you want to use in the article.

    Nghe lại cuộc phỏng vấn và chọn ra những thông tin bạn muốn sử dụng trong bài viết.

  • The school play was a huge success—the audience roared with laughter at all the funny bits.

    Vở kịch ở trường đã thành công rực rỡ - khán giả cười ồ lên vì tất cả những tình tiết hài hước.

large amount

a large amount

một số lượng lớn

  • ‘How much does he earn?’ ‘Quite a bit!’

    ‘Anh ấy kiếm được bao nhiêu?’ ‘Khá nhiều!’

  • It rained a fair bit during the night.

    Trời mưa khá nhiều trong đêm.

  • The new system will take a bit of getting used to (= it will take a long time to get used to).

    Hệ thống mới sẽ mất một chút thời gian để làm quen (= sẽ mất nhiều thời gian để làm quen).

Extra examples:
  • ‘Has it been difficult for you at work?’ ‘Just a bit (= it has been very difficult).’

    ‘Việc làm của bạn có khó khăn không?’ ‘Chỉ một chút thôi (= nó đã rất khó khăn).’

  • We made a good bit of progress.

    Chúng tôi đã đạt được một chút tiến bộ.


the smallest unit of information used by a computer

đơn vị thông tin nhỏ nhất được máy tính sử dụng

for horse

a metal bar that is put in a horse’s mouth so that the rider can control it

một thanh kim loại được đặt trong miệng ngựa để người cưỡi ngựa có thể điều khiển nó


a tool or part of a tool for drilling (= making) holes

một công cụ hoặc một phần của công cụ để khoan (= tạo) lỗ

Related words and phrases


an amount of money equal to 12½ cents

một số tiền bằng 12½ xu

sexual organs

a person’s sexual organs

cơ quan sinh dục của một người


be in bits
(British English, informal)to be very sad or worried
  • Inside I'm in bits because I miss him so much.
  • I’m in bits about the problems I’ve had.
  • She was in bits over her decision to quit.
  • the (whole)… bit
    (informal, disapproving)behaviour or ideas that are typical of a particular group, type of person or activity
  • She couldn't accept the whole drug-culture bit.
  • bit by bit
    a piece at a time; gradually
  • He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit.
  • Bit by bit memories of the night came back to me.
  • a bit much
    (informal)not fair or not reasonable
  • It's a bit much calling me at three in the morning.
  • The noise from next door is getting a bit much.
  • a bit of a…
    (informal, especially British English)used when talking about unpleasant or negative things or ideas, to mean ‘rather a…’
  • We may have a bit of a problem on our hands.
  • The rail strike is a bit of a pain.
  • a bit of all right
    (British English, slang)a person that you think is sexually attractive
  • Dave’s new girlfriend is a bit of all right, isn’t she?
  • a bit of rough
    (British English, slang)a person of a low social class who has a sexual relationship with somebody of a higher class
    a bit on the side
    (British English, slang)the boyfriend or girlfriend of somebody who is already married or in a steady sexual relationship with somebody else
  • Is he your bit on the side?
  • bits and pieces/bobs
    (British English, informal)small objects or items of various kinds
  • She stuffed all her bits and pieces into a bag and left.
  • I just need to get a few bits and pieces at the supermarket.
  • blow somebody/something to bits/pieces
    to use bombs or other weapons to destroy somebody/something completely
  • The plane was blown to pieces when the bomb exploded.
  • champing at the bit
    (informal)impatient to do or start doing something
  • Gerry’s champing at the bit to go to college.
  • do your bit
    (informal)to do your share of a task
  • We can finish this job on time if everyone does their bit.
  • every bit as good, bad, etc. (as somebody/something)
    just as good, bad, etc.; equally good, bad, etc.
  • Rome is every bit as beautiful as Paris.
  • He’s every bit as clever as she is.
  • get the bit between your teeth
    (informal)to become very enthusiastic about something that you have started to do so that you are unlikely to stop until you have finished
    not a bit | not one (little) bit
    not at all; not in any way
  • ‘Are you cold?’ ‘Not a bit.’
  • It's not a bit of use (= there's no point in) complaining.
  • I'm not the least bit interested in football.
  • I don't like that idea one bit.
  • not a bit of it!
    (informal, British English)used for saying that something that you had expected to happen did not happen
  • You'd think she'd be tired after the journey but not a bit of it!
  • not a blind bit/the blindest bit of…
    (British English, informal)not any
  • He didn't take a blind bit of notice of me (= he ignored me).
  • It won't make the blindest bit of difference (= it will make no difference at all).
  • not the least/slightest bit
    not at all
  • Normally I'm not the least bit shy.
  • He wasn't the slightest bit interested in answering our questions.
  • to bits
    into small pieces
  • The book fell to bits in my hands.
  • All the crockery had been smashed to bits.
  • She took the engine to bits, then carefully put it together again.
  • (informal)very much
  • I love my kids to bits.
  • She was thrilled to bits when I said I'd come.