Definition of observant


quan sát


The word "observant" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "observare," which means "to watch" or "to notice," is the source of the English word. In the 14th century, the Middle English word "observaunt" emerged, meaning "one who notices carefully" or "one who has a keen understanding of something." Over time, the spelling evolved to "observant," and the meaning expanded to include not only paying attention to details but also being perceptive, astute, and having a keen sense of awareness. In modern English, "observant" is often used to describe someone who is attentive to details, notices subtle changes, and has a good understanding of people, situations, or events. In essence, being observant means being able to perceive, notice, and interpret information with accuracy and precision.


good at noticing things around you

giỏi để ý những thứ xung quanh bạn

  • Observant walkers may see red deer along this stretch of the road.

    Những người đi bộ tinh ý có thể nhìn thấy những chú hươu đỏ dọc theo đoạn đường này.

  • How very observant of you!

    Bạn thật tinh ý biết bao!

  • She keeps an observant eye on developments in education.

    Cô luôn theo dõi sự phát triển của giáo dục.

  • He was acutely observant of the poverty around him.

    Anh ấy quan sát sâu sắc sự nghèo đói xung quanh mình.

Related words and phrases

careful to obey religious laws and customs

cẩn thận tuân theo luật lệ và phong tục tôn giáo