Definition of muster


Tập hợp


The word "muster" originates from the Old French noun "mestre," which means "master." The term was borrowed by the Middle English language, where it transformed into "mustren," meaning "a mustering or gathering of men." During medieval times, the "muster" was a gathering of soldiers called to arms by their commanders. This ritual assembly was an essential part of military readiness, as it enabled the commander to inspect the soldiers' weapons, equipment, and physical condition. As time passed, the term "muster" came to mean any large and organized gathering, such as assembly of students for roll call, the convening of a jury or witnesses in court, or the gathering of festival-goers for a musical performance. Today, "muster" remains a crucial part of military terminology, where it denotes the mustering of troops for various purposes, such as parades, exercises, or combat. The origin of the word may have changed, but its significance as a call to action and discipline continues to resonate in modern military culture.


to find as much support, courage, etc. as you can

để tìm càng nhiều sự hỗ trợ, lòng can đảm, vv như bạn có thể

  • We mustered what support we could for the plan.

    Chúng tôi đã tập hợp những hỗ trợ có thể cho kế hoạch.

  • She left the room with all the dignity she could muster.

    Cô rời khỏi phòng với tất cả lòng tự trọng mà cô có thể tập hợp được.

  • He could muster only 154 votes at the election.

    Ông chỉ có thể thu thập được 154 phiếu bầu tại cuộc bầu cử.

Related words and phrases

to come together or to bring people, especially soldiers, together, for example for military action

đến với nhau hoặc tập hợp mọi người, đặc biệt là binh lính, lại với nhau, ví dụ như để thực hiện hành động quân sự

  • The troops mustered.

    Quân đội đã tập hợp lại.

  • The force mustered 1 000 strong.

    Lực lượng tập hợp 1 000 mạnh mẽ.

  • to muster an army

    để tập hợp một đội quân

  • The navy could muster 44 warships.

    Hải quân có thể tập hợp 44 tàu chiến.

Related words and phrases

to gather together sheep or cows

để tập hợp lại với nhau cừu hoặc bò


have/want none of something
to refuse to accept something
  • I offered to pay but he was having none of it.
  • They pretended to be enthusiastic about my work but then suddenly decided they wanted none of it.
  • none but
  • None but he knew the truth.
  • none the less
    despite this fact
    none other than
    used to emphasize who or what somebody/something is, when this is surprising
  • Her first customer was none other than Mrs Obama.