Definition of mud




Definition of undefined

The word "mud" has its roots in Old English and Germanic languages. The earliest recorded usage of the word "mud" dates back to around 800 AD. It is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*mudiz," which meant "dirt" or "filth." This Proto-Germanic word is also related to the Modern German word "Mud," which means "mire" or "swamp." The Old English word "mud" referred to a thick, sticky substance similar to clay or sludge. It could also be used to describe a mixture of water and soil. The word evolved over time to encompass a broader range of meanings, including a natural deposit of water and earth, a deposit of damp earth, and even a mixture of earth and water. Today, the word "mud" is used in various contexts, including geology, construction, and everyday conversation.

  • After the heavy rain, the streets were transformed into a sea of mud.

    Sau trận mưa lớn, đường phố biến thành biển bùn.

  • The farmer waded through the thick, sticky mud to check on his cattle.

    Người nông dân lội qua lớp bùn dày và dính để kiểm tra đàn gia súc của mình.

  • As the child played in the park, her shoes became covered in caked-on mud.

    Khi đứa trẻ chơi trong công viên, đôi giày của em bị bám đầy bùn đất.

  • The hiker trudged through the dense forest, where his feet sank deeply into the mud.

    Người đi bộ đường dài lê bước qua khu rừng rậm rạp, nơi bàn chân anh lún sâu vào bùn.

  • The construction site was coated in a thick layer of mud, as the rain continued to pour down.

    Công trường xây dựng bị phủ một lớp bùn dày vì mưa vẫn tiếp tục đổ xuống.

  • The player's cleats dug into the wet, slippery mud as he struggled to maintain his balance.

    Giày đá bóng của cầu thủ bám chặt vào lớp bùn ướt và trơn trượt khi anh cố gắng giữ thăng bằng.

  • The runner splashed through puddles, each step creating a satisfying splash of mud.

    Người chạy băng qua các vũng nước, mỗi bước chân tạo ra những vệt bùn bắn tung tóe thỏa mãn.

  • The landscape was muddied from the recent flood, leaving behind debris and silt.

    Cảnh quan trở nên lầy lội sau trận lũ gần đây, để lại nhiều mảnh vỡ và bùn đất.

  • The car's tires spun weakly in the thick, sucking mud, leaving the driver stranded.

    Lốp xe quay yếu ớt trong lớp bùn dày, khiến tài xế bị mắc kẹt.

  • The foundation of the building was submerged in a layer of murky mud, making it difficult to excavate.

    Nền móng của tòa nhà bị ngập trong lớp bùn đục ngầu, gây khó khăn cho việc khai quật.


(as) clear as mud
(informal, humorous)not clear at all; not easy to understand
  • Oh well, that's all as clear as mud, then.
  • drag somebody through the mud/dirt | drag somebody's name through the mud/dirt
    (informal)to criticize or say bad things about somebody in public, in a way that is unfair
  • The paper has dragged his name through the mud.
  • They feel their agency has been dragged through the mud by the press.
  • Football's good name is being dragged through the dirt.
  • fling, sling, etc. mud (at somebody)
    to criticize somebody or accuse somebody of bad things in order to damage their reputation, especially in politics
    mud sticks
    (saying)people remember and believe the bad things they hear about other people, even if they are later shown to be false
    somebody’s name is mud
    (informal, usually humorous)used to say that somebody is not liked or popular because of something they have done
  • Your name’s mud around here at the moment!
  • If you tell our secret your name will be mud round here.