Definition of moron


ngu ngốc


The term "moron" was coined by the American psychologist Henry H. Goddard in 1910. It derived from the Greek word "morus," meaning dullard or fool. Goddard used the term to label individuals with an IQ between 50 and 70, which fell within the mild intellectual disability range on the Binet-Simon intelligence test he administered. The label "moron" was seen as less severe than "imbecile" (IQ 25-50) or "idiot" (IQ below 25) and was meant to convey a sense of correctability through education. However, the term "moron" fell into disuse in the latter half of the 20th century as a result of the negative connotations it carried and the increasing recognition that intellectual disabilities are highly varied and complex conditions. Today, the medical community uses more sensitive and less stigmatizing terms to describe individuals with intellectual disabilities.


a rude way to refer to somebody that you think is very stupid

một cách thô lỗ để đề cập đến ai đó mà bạn nghĩ là rất ngu ngốc

  • They're a bunch of morons.

    Họ là một lũ ngu ngốc.

  • The people responsible for this are mindless morons.

    Những người chịu trách nhiệm cho việc này là những kẻ ngu ngốc.

a word for a person with a very low level of intelligence that is now considered offensive

một từ dành cho một người có mức độ thông minh rất thấp mà bây giờ bị coi là xúc phạm