Definition of mockery


sự nhạo báng


The word "mockery" originates from the Middle English word "myskerie," which in turn derived from the Old French word "misecreance." "Misecreance" consisted of two parts: "miser" meaning miserable or pitiable, and "creance" meaning belief or trust. The original meaning of "mispikerance" was "the act of mistreating a person who has put their trust in you, or the state of being mistreated in such a way." Over time, the English language adopted "mockery" as a shorter and more straightforward form to describe this concept. Today, "mockery" refers to the act of making fun of, imitating, or ridiculing someone or something, typically in an inglorious or disrespectful manner. It can be used in various contexts, such as politics, literature, media, and everyday conversations, where it may evoke a range of emotions, from amusement and humor to offence and resentment.


comments or actions that are intended to make somebody/something seem silly

nhận xét hoặc hành động nhằm mục đích làm cho ai đó/điều gì đó có vẻ ngớ ngẩn

  • She couldn't stand any more of their mockery.

    Cô không thể chịu đựng được sự nhạo báng của họ nữa.

  • His smile was full of mockery.

    Nụ cười của anh đầy sự giễu cợt.

  • The government has left itself open to mockery and ridicule.

    Chính phủ đã để ngỏ cho sự nhạo báng và chế giễu.

Extra examples:
  • There was a hint of mockery in his voice.

    Trong giọng nói của anh có chút giễu cợt.

  • They left themselves open to mockery from the press.

    Họ để mình bị báo chí chế nhạo.

  • Try to keep the tone one of gentle mockery.

    Cố gắng giữ giọng điệu giễu cợt nhẹ nhàng.

Related words and phrases

an action, a decision, etc. that is a failure and that is not as it is supposed to be

một hành động, một quyết định, v.v. đó là một thất bại và đó không phải là điều đáng lẽ phải xảy ra

  • It was a mockery of a trial.

    Đó là một sự nhạo báng của một phiên tòa.

Related words and phrases


make a mockery of something
to make something seem silly or without effect
  • The trial made a mockery of justice.