Definition of mirage


ảo ảnh


The word "mirage" originated from the Arabic word "miraj," which means "to rise" or "to ascend." It was later adopted into French as "mirage," and then into English. A mirage is an optical phenomenon where an image appears to be above the horizon or closer than it actually is, usually due to refraction caused by layers of air with different temperatures and densities. This can create a deceptive appearance of water, a road, or other feature where none exists. The term "mirage" was first used in English in the 16th century to describe this phenomenon, and it has since been used in various contexts, including literature, art, and science.


an effect caused by hot air in deserts or on roads, that makes you think you can see something, such as water, which is not there

một hiệu ứng gây ra bởi không khí nóng ở sa mạc hoặc trên đường, khiến bạn nghĩ rằng bạn có thể nhìn thấy thứ gì đó, chẳng hạn như nước, nhưng không có ở đó

a hope or wish that you cannot make happen because it is not realistic

một hy vọng hoặc mong muốn mà bạn không thể thực hiện được vì nó không thực tế

  • His idea of love was a mirage.

    Ý tưởng của anh về tình yêu là một ảo ảnh.

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