Definition of knife


con dao


Definition of undefined

The word "knife" originates from the Old English word "cnif," which is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*kniziz," meaning "to cut." This Proto-Germanic word is also the source of the Modern German word "Knauf," meaning "edge" or "point." The Old English word "cnif" was initially used to describe a shooting or throwing instrument, such as a harpoon or dart. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include any kind of cutting instrument. In Middle English (circa 1100-1500 AD), the word "knife" emerged as a direct descendant of "cnif," and its modern meaning has remained relatively consistent since then. Today, the word "knife" refers to a variety of cutting utensils, including sharp, straight-edged blades, curved blades, and even ceremonial swords. Despite its evolution, the word "knife" still retains its roots in the Proto-Germanic concept of "cutting" or "edge."

  • The chef wielded his knife with precision, expertly slicing through the tender steak.

    Đầu bếp vung con dao một cách chính xác, khéo léo cắt xuyên qua miếng bít tết mềm.

  • I accidentally dropped the knife, and it slipped right through the potatoes I was chopping.

    Tôi vô tình làm rơi con dao và nó trượt qua củ khoai tây tôi đang cắt.

  • The detective carefully lifted the knife from the victim's lifeless body, examining it for clues.

    Thám tử cẩn thận nhấc con dao ra khỏi thi thể nạn nhân, kiểm tra nó để tìm manh mối.

  • I've been practicing my knife skills at home, determined to impress my friends with a fancy dinner party.

    Tôi đã luyện tập kỹ năng dùng dao của mình ở nhà, quyết tâm gây ấn tượng với bạn bè bằng một bữa tiệc tối sang trọng.

  • The surgeon gritted his teeth as he navigated the intricate cuts required for the delicate heart surgery.

    Bác sĩ phẫu thuật nghiến răng khi tiến hành những đường cắt phức tạp cần thiết cho ca phẫu thuật tim tinh vi này.

  • The hiker fumbled with his pocket knife, trying to saw through the thick underbrush blocking his path.

    Người đi bộ đường dài loay hoay với con dao bỏ túi, cố gắng cắt xuyên qua bụi rậm cản đường.

  • The cook deftly carved the roast, using the sharp blade to create beautiful, symmetrical slices.

    Người đầu bếp khéo léo cắt thịt quay, sử dụng lưỡi dao sắc để tạo ra những lát thịt đối xứng đẹp mắt.

  • The security guard drew his knife, preparing to defend himself against the attacker.

    Người bảo vệ rút dao ra, chuẩn bị tự vệ trước kẻ tấn công.

  • The picnic organizer packed extra knives in her backpack, just in case they ran out of utensils at the campsite.

    Người tổ chức buổi dã ngoại đã chuẩn bị thêm dao vào ba lô, phòng trường hợp họ hết dao ở khu cắm trại.

  • The craftsman used his boning knife to carefully remove the bones from the fish before preparing it for the grill.

    Người thợ thủ công dùng dao lọc xương để cẩn thận loại bỏ xương khỏi cá trước khi chuẩn bị nướng.


the knives are out (for somebody)
the situation has become so bad that people are preparing to make one person take the blame, for example by taking away their job
  • The knives are out for the chancellor.
  • like a knife through butter
    (informal)easily; without meeting any difficulty
    put/stick the knife in | put/stick the knife into somebody
    (informal)to behave towards somebody in an unfriendly way and try to harm them
    turn/twist the knife (in the wound)
    to say or do something unkind deliberately; to make somebody who is unhappy feel even more unhappy
  • Marcia laughed as she twisted the knife still deeper.
  • Just to twist the knife, the filmmakers have provided a surprise ending.
  • under the knife
    (informal)having a medical operation
  • He is to go under the surgeon's knife again on Thursday.