Definition of indoor


trong nhà


Definition of undefined

The word "indoor" has its roots in the Old English language. It originated in the 14th century from the combination of "in" and "dor," which literally meant "in the door." In medieval times, the term "dor" referred to the entrance or threshold of a building, and "in" indicated location or position. So, "indoor" initially meant "within the boundaries of a door" or "inside a building." Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to encompass any space within a building that was sheltered from the outdoors, regardless of whether it was a room, a hall, or even a cave. Today, "indoor" is widely used to describe spaces that are protected from the elements, contrasting with "outdoor" spaces that are exposed to the environment.


located, done or used inside a building

được đặt, thực hiện hoặc sử dụng bên trong một tòa nhà

  • an indoor swimming pool

    một bể bơi trong nhà

  • indoor games

    trò chơi trong nhà

  • Poor indoor air quality can result in increased risk of asthma and allergies.

    Chất lượng không khí trong nhà kém có thể làm tăng nguy cơ mắc bệnh hen suyễn và dị ứng.

Related words and phrases

relating to sports played indoors

liên quan đến các môn thể thao chơi trong nhà

  • the world indoor 200 metres champion

    nhà vô địch 200 mét trong nhà thế giới