Definition of inclusively


bao gồm


The word "inclusively" has its roots in the 14th century Latin term "inclusus," meaning "shut in" or "confined." This Latin word is the past passive participle of "inclaudere," which means "to shut in" or "to enclose." The term was later borrowed into Middle English as "inclusively," which originally meant "in a manner that shuts in or confines." Over time, the meaning of "inclusively" evolved to encompass a sense of welcoming and accepting others. Today, the word is often used to describe actions, policies, or attitudes that are open and accommodating to all groups, regardless of their background, identity, or ability. In an inclusive manner, individuals or organizations strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and supported.


in a way that includes a wide range of people, things, ideas, etc.

theo cách bao gồm nhiều người, nhiều sự vật, nhiều ý tưởng, v.v.

  • The word ‘men’ can be understood inclusively (= including men and women).

    Từ “đàn ông” có thể được hiểu theo nghĩa bao gồm (= bao gồm cả đàn ông và phụ nữ).

Related words and phrases

including all the days, months, numbers, etc. mentioned

bao gồm tất cả các ngày, tháng, số, v.v. được đề cập

  • between the ages of 16 and 28 inclusively

    trong độ tuổi từ 16 đến 28 bao gồm