Definition of incandescent


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The word "incandescent" originates from the Latin word "candescere," meaning "to shine." The term first appeared in the English language in the mid-19th century to describe a newly invented lighting technology that used a filament inside a glass bulb to produce light. The filament, typically made of carbon or metal wire, was heated to such a high temperature that it glowed with intense light. This phenomenon is known as incandescence, which refers to the process of generating light by heating a substance to a high temperature. Incandescent lamps, which employed this technology, became tremendously popular in the late 1800s due to their long-lasting and efficient nature. Compared to gas or oil lamps, incandescent bulbs required less maintenance and provided brighter light for extended periods. However, the widespread use of incandescent lamps also highlighted their inherent inefficiencies, particularly their high energy consumption. In the early 20th century, new types of lighting technologies were developed, such as fluorescent and LED lights, which were more energy-efficient and soon replaced incandescent bulbs in many applications. Despite their declining popularity, the term "incandescent" remains a quintessential part of the English language, describing any object, such as filament lamps, heated to such high temperatures that it glows with light. The word continues to be familiar to most people, reminding us of the essential role that incandescent lamps played in the evolving world of lighting technology.


giving out light when heated

phát ra ánh sáng khi bị nung nóng

  • incandescent lamps

    đèn sợi đốt

very bright

rất sáng

  • incandescent white

    sợi đốt trắng

full of strong emotion; extremely angry

đầy cảm xúc mạnh mẽ; cực kỳ tức giận

  • an incandescent musical performance

    một buổi biểu diễn âm nhạc rực rỡ

  • She was incandescent with rage.

    Cô ấy đang nổi cơn thịnh nộ.