Definition of luminous


phát sáng


The word "luminous" is derived from the Latin root "lum," meaning "light." It is related to words like "illuminate," "illumination," and "illuminator." The prefix "lu-" in luminous indicates that the root "lum" is present. The suffix "-ous" is of Greek origin and indicates a state, condition or quality. In this case, it describes something that emits, radiates or reflects light. The word "luminous" first appeared in English in the 17th century and was initially associated with celestial bodies such as the moon, stars and planets. Over time, the use of the word expanded to describe any object or substance that emits light, such as glowing substances or illuminated signs. In modern usage, the word "luminous" is often used metaphorically to describe something that gives off a sense of brightness, clarity or radiance in an intangible sense, such as ideas, concepts or emotions. It also retains its literal meaning in referring to objects that emit light, such as luminous signs, luminous dials on watches, and luminous buttons on jackets.


shining in the dark; giving out light

tỏa sáng trong bóng tối; phát ra ánh sáng

  • luminous paint

    sơn phát sáng

  • luminous hands on a clock

    bàn tay phát sáng trên đồng hồ

  • staring with huge luminous eyes

    nhìn chằm chằm với đôi mắt to sáng

  • the luminous quality of the music

    chất lượng sáng của âm nhạc

very bright in colour

màu sắc rất tươi sáng

  • They painted the door a luminous green.

    Họ sơn cửa màu xanh lá cây sáng.

  • I hated the luminous yellow colour of the plastic.

    Tôi ghét màu vàng sáng của nhựa.

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