Definition of ice over

ice overphrasal verb

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The term "ice over" in the context of ice hockey comes from the time when natural ice surfaces were regularly used for the game. In such conditions, if the temperature dropped drastically and caused the ice to freeze completely over, making it hard and solid, then the game could still proceed despite the cold. This scenario is referred to as "ice over". The origin of this phrase can be traced back to the early days of ice hockey, when the sport was played outdoors on frozen ponds, lakes, and rivers. In these conditions, players and spectators alike had to put up with the harsh climatic conditions. A game would only be played if the ice was in proper condition, thick enough to bear the weight of the skaters yet firm enough for the puck to slide smoothly. When the ice froze completely over, the ice surface was termed 'ice over', implying that it was in perfect condition for the game. Players loved playing under such conditions as the ice was slicker, making it easier to skate, and allowed shots to travel faster, as there was less friction. However, when the humidity level was low or the temperature was drastic, frozen water bodies could become too hard, making it tough for players to skate. In such conditions, the game would be postponed until the ice condition improved. In summary, the term "ice over" in ice hockey refers to an optimal ice surface condition representing hard, smooth, and inviting ice where skaters can slide smoothly, and the game can be played comfortably.

  • The pond was completely frozen over with a thick layer of ice.

    Ao nước đã bị đóng băng hoàn toàn bởi một lớp băng dày.

  • The ice rink was crowded with skaters gliding gracefully over the smooth surface.

    Sân trượt băng đông nghẹt người trượt băng lướt nhẹ nhàng trên bề mặt nhẵn mịn.

  • As she stepped onto the ice at the outdoor rink, Sarah could feel the chill of the winter air seeping into her bones.

    Khi bước lên sân băng ngoài trời, Sarah có thể cảm nhận được hơi lạnh của không khí mùa đông thấm vào xương tủy.

  • The ice melted rapidly in the sun, leaving behind patches of slush.

    Băng tan nhanh dưới ánh mặt trời, để lại những mảng băng nhão.

  • The wind was so fierce that it blew the ice into spiraling piles along the street.

    Gió thổi mạnh đến nỗi thổi bay băng thành những đống xoắn ốc dọc theo đường phố.

  • The harbor was frozen over with ice, blocking the entrance to the shipping lane.

    Bến cảng bị đóng băng, chặn lối vào tuyến đường vận chuyển.

  • The fishermen had to hack through the thick ice to reach their nets, which had been frozen solid since the previous winter.

    Những người đánh cá phải đục xuyên qua lớp băng dày để lấy được lưới đã đóng băng hoàn toàn kể từ mùa đông năm trước.

  • The icebergs hoovered eerily in the background, as if suspended in time.

    Những tảng băng trôi trôi một cách kỳ lạ ở phía sau, như thể chúng đang lơ lửng trong thời gian.

  • The ice-cold water flowing from the faucet made her shiver as she filled up her glass.

    Dòng nước lạnh như băng chảy ra từ vòi khiến cô rùng mình khi rót đầy cốc nước.

  • The ice sculptures sparkled in the moonlight, illuminated by just enough light to make their intricate patterns stand out.

    Những tác phẩm điêu khắc băng lấp lánh dưới ánh trăng, được chiếu sáng vừa đủ để làm nổi bật những họa tiết phức tạp của chúng.