Definition of holocaust




The word "holocaust" originated in Greek, specifically in the context of religious offerings. The Greek term "ól khόstos" referred to a complete, unblemished animal sacrifice that was wholly burnt as an offering to the gods. This meaning of holocaust was adopted by the Latin language, where it was translated as "holocaustum." The modern usage of the term "holocaust" to describe the mass genocide of six million Jews during the Nazi regime in Germany is a more recent development. This usage is due to such atrocities being likened to the complete and total destruction that is seen in the Greek meaning of holocaust. The first recorded use of the term "holocaust" to refer to the murder of Jews during the Second World War was by the British statesman, Ernest Bevin, in 1942. The use of this term has since become widely accepted as an accurate and evocative way to describe such immense and devastating events.


a situation in which many things are destroyed and many people killed, especially because of a war or a fire

một tình huống trong đó nhiều thứ bị phá hủy và nhiều người thiệt mạng, đặc biệt là do chiến tranh hoặc hỏa hoạn

  • a nuclear holocaust

    một vụ thảm sát hạt nhân

the killing of millions of Jewish people by the German Nazi government in the period 1941–5

việc chính phủ Đức Quốc xã giết hại hàng triệu người Do Thái trong giai đoạn 1941–5