Definition of persecution


sự ngược đãi


The word "persecution" has its roots in Latin. The Latin term "persecutio" is a noun formed from the verb "persecutus," which means "to pursue" or "to follow." In the context of religious or political disagreements, "persecutio" referred to the act of pursuing or following someone with the intention of harming or oppressing them. The Latin word "persecutio" was first used in the 5th century CE by Christian authors to describe the persecution of Christians by the Roman Empire. The term gained popularity throughout the Middle Ages and eventually entered Middle English as "persecucion" in the 13th century. Over time, the meaning of "persecution" expanded to include not only religious persecution, but also political, racial, and social persecution. Today, the word refers to the act of systematically driving or harassing someone or a group of people because of their beliefs, race, ethnicity, or other characteristics.


the act of treating somebody in a cruel and unfair way, especially because of their race, religion or political beliefs

hành động đối xử với ai đó một cách tàn nhẫn và không công bằng, đặc biệt là vì chủng tộc, tôn giáo hoặc quan điểm chính trị của họ

  • the victims of religious persecution

    nạn nhân của sự đàn áp tôn giáo

  • They fled to Europe to escape persecution.

    Họ chạy trốn sang châu Âu để thoát khỏi sự đàn áp.

the act of deliberately annoying somebody all the time and making their life unpleasant

hành động cố ý làm phiền ai đó mọi lúc và làm cho cuộc sống của họ trở nên khó chịu

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