Definition of himself


chính nó, chính hắn, chính ông ta, chính anh ta


Definition of undefined

The word "himself" originates from Old English, which was spoken in England from the 5th to the 11th centuries. In Old English, the reflexive pronoun for the third person masculine singular (i.e., "he") was "hēmself", which is composed of two parts: "hēm" (the accusative form of "he") and "self" (meaning "one's own"). In Middle English (spoken from the 11th to the 15th centuries), the spelling evolved to "himself", and its meaning remained the same: to refer to someone (usually a man) as the object of an action, using himself as the subject. For example: "He himself did the task." Over time, the word "himself" has become a standard part of the English language, used in various contexts to indicate self-reference, emphasis, or clarity.


used when the man or boy who performs an action is also affected by it

được sử dụng khi người đàn ông hoặc cậu bé thực hiện một hành động cũng bị ảnh hưởng bởi nó

  • He introduced himself.

    Anh ấy tự giới thiệu.

  • Peter ought to be ashamed of himself.

    Peter hẳn phải xấu hổ về bản thân mình.

used to emphasize the male subject or object of a sentence

dùng để nhấn mạnh chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ nam của câu

  • The doctor said so himself.

    Chính bác sĩ cũng đã nói như vậy.

  • Did you see the manager himself?

    Bạn có thấy chính người quản lý không?