Definition of itself


chính cái đó, chính điều đó, chính con vật đó


Definition of undefined

The word "itself" has its roots in Old English. The phrase "hæft self" was used to mean "oneself" or "one's own self." Over time, the combination of words evolved into "þe self" and eventually "itself". In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), "itself" was used as both a reflexive pronoun (meaning "oneself") and as a reflexive adjective (modifying another noun). For example: "It behoveth itself to be trewe" (It is behoven to itself to be true). In Modern English, "itself" is used to indicate that a subject is performing an action on itself, rather than on someone or something else. Today, "itself" is an essential part of our language, used in countless sentences and phrases, like "The company is proud of itself for achieving this milestone."


used when the animal or thing that does an action is also affected by it

được sử dụng khi động vật hoặc vật thực hiện hành động cũng bị ảnh hưởng bởi nó

  • The cat was washing itself.

    Con mèo đang tự tắm rửa.

  • Does the computer turn itself off?

    Máy tính có tự tắt không?

  • The company has got itself into difficulties.

    Công ty đã gặp khó khăn.

  • There's no need for the team to feel proud of itself.

    Nhóm không cần phải cảm thấy tự hào về bản thân.

used to emphasize an animal, a thing, etc.

được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh một con vật, một đồ vật, v.v.

  • The village itself is pretty, but the surrounding countryside is rather dull.

    Bản thân ngôi làng rất đẹp, nhưng vùng nông thôn xung quanh khá buồn tẻ.


be patience, honesty, simplicity, etc. itself
to be an example of complete patience, etc.
  • The manager of the hotel was courtesy itself.
  • (all) by itself
    automatically; without anyone doing anything
  • The machine will start by itself in a few seconds.
  • alone
  • The house stands by itself in an acre of land.
  • in itself
    considered separately from other things; in its true nature
  • In itself, it's not a difficult problem to solve.
  • (all) to itself
    for only it to have or use; not shared with others
  • The company doesn't have the market to itself.