Definition of handicapped


khuyết tật


The word "handicapped" originates from the 17th-century English word "handicap," which means a disadvantage or limitation. The term initially referred to a restriction or impediment that someone or something might have, such as a physical deformity or a social stigma. In the late 19th century, the term "handicapped" began to be used to describe individuals with physical or mental disabilities. At the time, it was considered a neutral term, and many people with disabilities identified with it. However, by the mid-20th century, the term had become increasingly stigmatizing and pejorative, as it referred to someone as being disadvantaged or limited. In the 1980s, disability advocacy groups began to use the term "disabled" instead, as a more positive and empowering term. Since then, many sources, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), have adopted the term "disabled" as the preferred terminology to describe individuals with physical or mental disabilities.


having a condition that makes it difficult for you to do some things that most other people can do

có một tình trạng khiến bạn khó có thể làm một số việc mà hầu hết những người khác có thể làm

  • The accident left him physically handicapped.

    Vụ tai nạn khiến anh bị tàn tật về thể chất.

  • Steven was born severely handicapped.

    Steven sinh ra đã bị khuyết tật nghiêm trọng.

Related words and phrases

people who are handicapped

những người khuyết tật