Definition of deaf


điếc, làm thinh, làm ngơ


Definition of undefined

The word "deaf" has its roots in Old English, dating back to around the 9th century. The etymology of the word is complex, but it's believed to be derived from the Proto-Germanic word "dauiz", which was also the source of the Modern German word "taub", meaning "deaf". In Old English, the word "deaf" was spelled "deaf" or "dæf", and it was used to describe someone who was unable to hear. The word was likely coined from the Proto-Germanic word "dauiz", which is thought to have been related to the idea of "dumbness" or "silence". Over time, the spelling of the word evolved to its modern form, and its meaning expanded to include not only the sense of hearing but also the cultural and social aspects of deafness.


unable to hear anything or unable to hear very well

không thể nghe thấy gì hoặc không thể nghe rõ

  • to become/go deaf

    trở nên/bị điếc

  • She was born deaf.

    Cô ấy bị điếc bẩm sinh.

  • partially deaf

    điếc một phần

Extra examples:
  • Many of these children are profoundly deaf.

    Nhiều đứa trẻ trong số này bị điếc nặng.

  • She remained deaf until she died.

    Cô vẫn bị điếc cho đến khi chết.

  • She spoke loudly because her mother was a little deaf.

    Cô nói to vì mẹ cô hơi điếc.

  • Standing next to the machine all day left her deaf in one ear.

    Đứng cạnh máy móc cả ngày khiến cô bị điếc một bên tai.

Related words and phrases

people who cannot hear

những người không thể nghe thấy

  • television subtitles for the deaf

    phụ đề truyền hình cho người điếc

not willing to listen or pay attention to something

không sẵn sàng lắng nghe hoặc chú ý đến một cái gì đó

  • He was deaf to my requests for help.

    Anh ấy phớt lờ những yêu cầu giúp đỡ của tôi.

  • The committee remained deaf to our suggestions.

    Ủy ban vẫn làm ngơ trước những đề xuất của chúng tôi.


(as) deaf as a post
(informal)very deaf
fall on deaf ears
to be ignored or not noticed by other people
  • Her advice fell on deaf ears.
  • turn a deaf ear (to somebody/something)
    to ignore or refuse to listen to somebody/something
  • He turned a deaf ear to the rumours.