Definition of gutsy


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The word "gutsy" has its roots in Old English and Middle English. The term "guts" refers to the internal organs of an animal, particularly the intestines. In the 14th century, "guts" began to take on a figurative meaning, describing someone's courage, bravery, or determination. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the phrase "to have guts" emerged, meaning to have the courage to take risks or face challenges head-on. This phrase eventually evolved into the adjective "gutsy," which is now used to describe someone who is courageous, fearless, and willing to take bold action. The term "gutsy" gained popularity in the mid-20th century, particularly in American English, to describe individuals who demonstrated extraordinary bravery, resilience, or determination in the face of adversity. Today, "gutsy" is widely used to praise someone who shows remarkable courage or initiative in the face of challenges.


showing courage and the desire to succeed

thể hiện lòng dũng cảm và mong muốn thành công

  • a gutsy fighter/win

    một chiến binh can đảm/chiến thắng

  • Her gutsy performance in the game impressed everyone, even her teammates.

    Màn trình diễn can đảm của cô trong trò chơi đã gây ấn tượng với tất cả mọi người, kể cả đồng đội của cô.

having strong and unusual qualities

có những phẩm chất mạnh mẽ và khác thường

  • a gutsy tomato sauce

    một loại nước sốt cà chua cay

  • a gutsy song

    một bài hát can đảm