Definition of brave


gan dạ, can đảm


Definition of undefined

The word "brave" has its roots in Old English and Norman French. In Old English, the word "bræg" or "brægþa" referred to a warrior or a champion. This Old English word is thought to have been derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*brakiz", which meant "armored" or "armed". When the Normans conquered England in 1066, they brought with them the French language, and the word "brave" was borrowed into Middle English. In Middle English, the word "brave" initially retained its meaning of "well-armed" or "warrior-like". Over time, the meaning of "brave" expanded to include qualities such as courage, valor, and heroism. Today, the word "brave" is used to describe someone who shows courage and strength in the face of fear or adversity.


willing to do things that are difficult, dangerous or painful; not afraid

sẵn sàng làm những việc khó khăn, nguy hiểm hoặc đau đớn; không sợ

  • brave men and women

    những người đàn ông và phụ nữ dũng cảm

  • Be brave!

    Hãy dũng cảm!

  • I wasn't brave enough to tell her what I thought of her.

    Tôi không đủ can đảm để nói với cô ấy những gì tôi nghĩ về cô ấy.

  • Desperation had made me brave.

    Sự tuyệt vọng đã khiến tôi trở nên dũng cảm.

  • She has been incredibly brave.

    Cô ấy đã vô cùng dũng cảm.

Extra examples:
  • He was as brave as a lion on the rugby field.

    Anh ấy dũng cảm như một con sư tử trên sân bóng bầu dục.

  • Can't some brave soul save her from this fate?

    Một linh hồn dũng cảm nào đó không thể cứu cô ấy khỏi số phận này sao?

Related words and phrases

requiring or showing courage

yêu cầu hoặc thể hiện lòng can đảm

  • She took the brave decision to start her own business.

    Cô đã có quyết định dũng cảm để bắt đầu công việc kinh doanh riêng của mình.

  • She died after a brave fight against cancer.

    Cô qua đời sau một cuộc chiến dũng cảm chống lại căn bệnh ung thư.

  • He felt homesick, but made a brave attempt to appear cheerful.

    Anh cảm thấy nhớ nhà nhưng vẫn cố gắng dũng cảm để tỏ ra vui vẻ.

new in an impressive way

mới một cách ấn tượng

  • a vision of a brave new Britain

    tầm nhìn về một nước Anh mới dũng cảm


(a) brave new world
a situation or society that changes in a way that is meant to improve people’s lives but is often a source of extra problems
  • the brave new world of technology
  • the architects' vision of a brave new world of pristine concrete
  • put on a brave face | put a brave face on something
    to pretend that you feel confident and happy when you do not
  • I had to put on a brave face and try to show him that I wasn’t worried.
  • She put a brave face on her illness.