Definition of fuzziness


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The word "fuzziness" has its roots in the 15th century. The word "fuzzy" originally came from the Old English word "fussan," which means "to fluff" or "to make into a tuft." Over time, the word evolved to describe something that is soft and indistinct, much like the texture of a fuzzy fabric. The noun form "fuzziness" emerged in the late 19th century, initially used to describe the quality of being soft and unclear. In the early 20th century, the word began to take on a more abstract meaning, describing concepts that are vague or indistinct, such as a fuzzy idea or a fuzzy definition. Today, the word "fuzziness" is commonly used in fields such as philosophy, linguistics, and engineering to describe the ambiguity or uncertainty of a concept or measurement.


the fact of being not clear in shape or sound

thực tế là không rõ ràng về hình dạng hoặc âm thanh

  • the slight fuzziness of the image

    sự mờ nhạt nhẹ của hình ảnh

the fact of being confused and not expressed clearly

sự thật là bị nhầm lẫn và không được diễn đạt rõ ràng

  • There is a lot of fuzziness over this topic.

    Có rất nhiều điều mơ hồ về chủ đề này.