Definition of furl




The word "furl" has its origins in medieval English and was initially usedin the context of military service. In the 14th century, the term referred to the action of "furlong," which meant "to roll up" and was used to describe the process of folding a sail to make it easier to store. As military campaigns became longer, soldiers needed to leave the battlefield for various reasons, such as illness, injury, or shortage of resources. The practice of sending soldiers home, or "furloughing" them, evolved during these campaigns. The term "furlough" itself is believed to have originated from the Old English words " furh," which meant "fertile land," and "hlāh," which meant "victory." The concept of a furlough was later extended to include civil servants and workers in certain industries who needed to take time off. In modern usage, the term "furlough" usually refers to a period when employees are temporarily laid off to reduce costs for the company. It is used in various industries, including manufacturing, aviation, and science, and is often used as an alternative to layoffs or terminations during economic downturns or other crises. In some cases, furloughs may require workers to take unpaid leave or accept reduced hours or pay, depending on the specific circumstances. in summary, the word "furl" originated from the medieval English term "furlong," which was used to describe the action of folding a sail. Its use as a military term to describe temporarily sending soldiers home to furlough them led to its broader application in industry and commerce, where it is now commonly used to describe periods of temporary layoffs or reductions in working hours or pay.

  • Due to the economic downturn, the company had to furlough many of its employees to reduce costs.

    Do suy thoái kinh tế, công ty đã phải cho nhiều nhân viên nghỉ việc để cắt giảm chi phí.

  • My cousin was recently furloughed from her job as a result of the pandemic.

    Anh họ tôi gần đây đã phải nghỉ việc tạm thời vì đại dịch.

  • The manufacturing plant announced that it would furlough its workers in rotating shifts to conserve resources.

    Nhà máy sản xuất thông báo sẽ cho công nhân nghỉ việc theo ca luân phiên để tiết kiệm tài nguyên.

  • The government enacted a law to provide financial assistance to businesses that had to furlough their staff because of the pandemic.

    Chính phủ đã ban hành luật nhằm hỗ trợ tài chính cho các doanh nghiệp phải cho nhân viên nghỉ việc tạm thời vì đại dịch.

  • As soon as the furlough period is over, my uncle's job will be reinstated.

    Ngay sau khi thời gian nghỉ phép kết thúc, công việc của chú tôi sẽ được khôi phục.

  • The airline industry has seen a significant increase in the number of furloughs as a result of travel restrictions.

    Ngành hàng không đã chứng kiến ​​sự gia tăng đáng kể về số lượng nhân viên phải nghỉ việc do lệnh hạn chế đi lại.

  • My sister's company has furloughed her during the current economic crisis, but they've assured her that her job is secure.

    Công ty của chị gái tôi đã cho chị ấy nghỉ việc tạm thời trong cuộc khủng hoảng kinh tế hiện nay, nhưng họ đã đảm bảo rằng công việc của chị ấy vẫn ổn định.

  • The termination of the furlough program has left many organizations struggling to retain their experienced personnel.

    Việc chấm dứt chương trình nghỉ phép đã khiến nhiều tổ chức phải vật lộn để giữ chân nhân viên có kinh nghiệm.

  • Some industries have been particularly hard hit by furloughs due to the prolonged nature of the current economic crisis.

    Một số ngành công nghiệp bị ảnh hưởng nặng nề bởi việc tạm nghỉ việc do cuộc khủng hoảng kinh tế hiện nay kéo dài.

  • The furlough scheme has provided some respite to employees and their families in these challenging times.

    Chương trình nghỉ phép đã mang lại sự an ủi cho nhân viên và gia đình họ trong thời điểm khó khăn này.