Definition of flatly


thẳng thừng


The word "flatly" originates from the Old English word "flæt," meaning "flat" or "level." Over time, it evolved into the Middle English word "flat," which could describe something physically flat or indicate a lack of inflection or emphasis in speech. The addition of the suffix "-ly" transformed "flat" into an adverb, signifying "in a flat manner" or "without qualification or hesitation." This sense of directness and bluntness is what the word "flatly" conveys today.


in a way that is very definite and will not be changed

theo một cách rất rõ ràng và sẽ không thay đổi

  • to flatly deny/reject/oppose something

    thẳng thừng phủ nhận/bác bỏ/phản đối cái gì đó

  • I flatly refused to spend any more time helping him.

    Tôi thẳng thừng từ chối dành thêm thời gian để giúp đỡ anh ấy.

Related words and phrases

in a way that shows very little interest or emotion

theo cách đó thể hiện rất ít sự quan tâm hoặc cảm xúc

  • ‘Oh, it's you,’ she said flatly.

    “Ồ, là anh,” cô nói thẳng thừng.