Definition of fatally


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The word "fatally" originates from the 14th-century Old French word "fatalment," which means "inescapably" or "inevitably." This Old French word is derived from Latin "fatalis," meaning "of fate" or "determined by fate." In Latin, "fatum" means "fate" or "destiny," and "fatalis" is an adjective that describes something that is determined or governed by one's fate. The Latin term "fatalis" was also used to describe something that is deadly or destructive, as if it were a form of fate. The English word "fatally" has retained the sense of inevitability and destiny from its Old French and Latin roots. It is often used to describe an outcome that is inescapable or unavoidable, such as a death that is "fatal" or a situation that is "fatally flawed."


in a way that causes or ends in death

theo cách gây ra hoặc kết thúc bằng cái chết

  • fatally injured/wounded

    bị thương/tử vong

in a way that causes disaster or failure

theo cách gây ra thảm họa hoặc thất bại

  • The plan was fatally flawed from the start.

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