Definition of extrusion


phun ra


The word "extrusion" has its roots in the 15th century Latin term "extrudere," which means "to thrust or drive out." It is derived from the prefix "ex-" meaning "out" and the verb "trudere," which means "to thrust." In the 1600s, the term "extrusion" emerged as a noun, referring to the process of forcing or pushing a material out of a mold or shape. This original meaning was likely influenced by the idea of thrusting or driving a material out of a confined space. Over time, the term gained wider use in industries such as metalworking, plastics, and food processing, where it referred to the manufacturing process of shaping and creating products by forcing materials through a die or mold. Today, extrusion remains a widely used term in various fields to describe the process of shaping and molding materials.


the act of forcing or pushing something out of something; something that has been forced or pushed in this way

hành động ép buộc hoặc đẩy cái gì đó ra khỏi cái gì đó; cái gì đó đã bị ép buộc hoặc đẩy theo cách này

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