Definition of divinely


thần thánh


The word "divinely" can be traced back to the 14th century. It comes from the Latin word "divinus," which means "of or pertaining to the gods" or "divine." This Latin word is also the source of other English words such as "divine," "divinity," and "divine right." In Middle English, the word "divinely" was used to describe something as being of or pertaining to God or the gods, or as being of a divine or supernatural quality. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include the idea of something being wonderful, beautiful, or extraordinary, such as "a divinely beautiful sunset." Today, the word "divinely" is often used to add emphasis or express admiration for something, such as "the performance was divinely talented."


in a way that comes from or is connected with God or a god

theo cách xuất phát từ hoặc liên quan đến Chúa hoặc một vị thần

  • divinely inspired music

    âm nhạc được truyền cảm hứng từ thần thánh

in a wonderful or beautiful way

theo một cách tuyệt vời hoặc đẹp đẽ

  • They danced divinely.

    Họ nhảy múa một cách tuyệt vời.