Definition of expropriation


sự tước đoạt


The word "expropriation" originates from the Latin words "ex" meaning "out" and "proprius" meaning "one's own." The term was first used in the 17th century in a legal sense to describe the act of taking something away from someone and taking it for oneself. In the context of property law, expropriation referred to the seizure of private property by the government for public use, with compensation typically paid to the property owner. Over time, the concept of expropriation has expanded to include other forms of taking away something that belongs to someone else, such as intellectual property, labor rights, or social and economic rights. Today, expropriation is often used to describe the actions of powerful governments or corporations that take control of resources, land, or assets from vulnerable individuals or communities without their consent or with inadequate compensation.


the act of officially taking away private property from its owner for use by the government

hành động chính thức lấy đi tài sản cá nhân của chủ sở hữu để chính phủ sử dụng

  • Expropriation of the land was approved.

    Việc thu hồi đất đã được phê duyệt.

the act of taking something that belongs to somebody and using it without permission

hành động lấy đi thứ gì đó của ai đó và sử dụng mà không được phép

  • the expropriation of resources from overseas colonies

    việc tước đoạt tài nguyên từ các thuộc địa ở nước ngoài