Definition of appropriation


sự chiếm đoạt


The term "appropriation" refers to the act of taking something, usually for a specific purpose. In the context of art and culture, appropriation reflects the use of pre-existing images, techniques, or styles by an artist for the creation of new works. The origins of the term "appropriation" in this context can be traced to the late 1960s and early 1970s, a time when a new wave of art movements emerged, challenging traditional notions of originality and authorship. The sculptor Sherrie Levine is often credited with popularizing the concept of artistic appropriation in the 1980s. Levine's highly influential series, "After Walker Evans," featured black and white photographs that closely resembled the images taken by American documentary photographer Walker Evans during the Great Depression. By copying Evans' compositions and printing his images, Levine challenged the notion that an artist's originality and creativity were solely determined by their unique vision. Instead, she argued that appropriation was a legitimate artistic practice, rooted in the existence of visual language and cultural heritage. Since then, artistic appropriation has become a significant theme in contemporary art, with many artists using the technique as a way to explore issues of ownership, authorship, and cultural identity. Appropriation has also generated controversies, particularly in relation to copyright infringement and cultural appropriation, with artists frequently criticized for commodifying or misrepresenting cultural heritage. In conclusion, the term "appropriation" in art and culture originated in the late 1960s and early 1970s, emerging as a challenge to traditional notions of creativity and originality. The concept of artistic appropriation has since gained international recognition, thanks in large part to influential artists like Sherrie Levine, who used it as a critical response to the artistic and cultural landscape of the time. Today, appropriation remains an ongoing conversation in contemporary art, raising important questions about authorship, ownership, and cultural authority.


the act of taking something that belongs to somebody else, especially without permission

hành động lấy thứ gì đó thuộc về người khác, đặc biệt là không có sự cho phép

  • dishonest appropriation of property

    chiếm đoạt tài sản trái pháp luật

  • The film company sued them over their appropriation of a cartoon character.

    Công ty điện ảnh đã kiện họ vì tội chiếm đoạt một nhân vật hoạt hình.

the act of keeping or saving money for a particular purpose

hành động giữ hoặc tiết kiệm tiền cho một mục đích cụ thể

  • a meeting to discuss the appropriation of funds

    một cuộc họp để thảo luận về việc phân bổ vốn

a sum of money to be used for a particular purpose, especially by a government or company

một số tiền được sử dụng cho một mục đích cụ thể, đặc biệt là bởi một chính phủ hoặc công ty

  • an appropriation of £20 000 for payment of debts

    một khoản chiếm dụng £20 000 để thanh toán các khoản nợ

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