Definition of excel




The word "excel" has a long and interesting history. It originates from the Latin word "excellere," which means "to rise above" or "to surpass." This Latin root is also the source of other English words such as "excellent," "exceptional," and "excellency." In the 14th century, the verb "excel" was first used in English, meaning "to rise above" or "to surpass." Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include the idea of exceeding standards or expectations. In the 1980s, Microsoft developed a popular software application called Microsoft Excel, which was designed to help users organize and analyze data. The name "Excel" was chosen because it represents the idea of helping users rise above their data and achieve exceptional results. Today, the word "excel" is widely used in many contexts, from sports to business to academics, to describe outstanding performance or achievement.


to be very good at doing something

rất giỏi làm việc gì đó

  • She has always excelled in foreign languages.

    Cô ấy luôn xuất sắc trong môn ngoại ngữ.

  • As a child he excelled at music and art.

    Khi còn nhỏ, anh rất xuất sắc trong âm nhạc và nghệ thuật.

  • The team excels at turning defence into attack.

    Đội xuất sắc trong việc biến phòng thủ thành tấn công.

to do extremely well and even better than you usually do

làm rất tốt và thậm chí còn tốt hơn bạn thường làm

  • Rick's cooking was always good, but this time he really excelled himself.

    Rick nấu ăn luôn rất ngon, nhưng lần này anh ấy thực sự xuất sắc.