Definition of epiphany


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The word "epiphany" originated from the Greek word "epiphaneia," which means "appearance" or "manifestation." In Christianity, Epiphany refers to the visit of the Magi, also known as the Three Wise Men, to the baby Jesus. According to the Bible, the Magi followed a star that guided them to Bethlehem, where they worshiped Jesus and offered him gifts. In the 16th century, the term "epiphany" began to be used in a broader sense to describe a sudden, profound realization or insight. This sense of the word is derived from the idea that the Magi's encounter with Jesus was a moment of revelation or manifestation that changed their understanding of the world. Today, the term "epiphany" is often used to describe a moment of personal discovery or awakening, where one gains a new perspective or understanding that transforms their life.


a Christian festival, held on 6 January, in memory of the time when the Magi came to see the baby Jesus at Bethlehem

một lễ hội Kitô giáo, được tổ chức vào ngày 6 tháng Giêng, để tưởng nhớ thời điểm các đạo sĩ đến thăm hài nhi Giêsu tại Bêlem

a sudden and surprising moment of understanding

một khoảnh khắc hiểu biết đột ngột và bất ngờ

  • She had an epiphany and realized it was time to leave her job and become a full-time artist.

    Cô đã có một sự sáng tỏ và nhận ra đã đến lúc phải bỏ việc và trở thành một nghệ sĩ toàn thời gian.