Definition of entropy


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The word "entropy" is derived from the Greek words "en" (meaning "in") and "trope" (meaning "change" or "turning"), which were combined by the physicist Rudolf Clausius in the mid-19th century to create a new term to describe a fundamental concept in thermodynamics. In thermodynamics, entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness of a system. It is often described as a measure of the amount of energy that is unavailable for work due to the random motion of the particles in the system. Clausius coined the term "entropy" in 1865 to replace the previous term "negentropy," which had been used by other scientists to describe the opposite of what is now called entropy. Clausius chose "entropy" to emphasize the fact that entropy always increases in a closed system, as it moves toward a state of maximum disorder or randomness. The word "entropy" is now widely used in physics, chemistry, and engineering to describe this important concept, which plays a fundamental role in understanding the behavior of complex systems.


a way of measuring the lack of order that exists in a system

một cách đo lường sự thiếu trật tự tồn tại trong một hệ thống

a measurement of the energy that is present in a system or process but is not available to do work

phép đo năng lượng hiện có trong một hệ thống hoặc quá trình nhưng không có sẵn để thực hiện công

a complete lack of order

hoàn toàn thiếu trật tự

  • In the business world, entropy rules.

    Trong thế giới kinh doanh, các quy tắc entropy.