Definition of emasculate


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The word "emasculate" originated in the 15th century from the Latin words "emasculare," meaning "to castrate," and "masculus," meaning "masculine." The Latin verb "emasculare" was used to describe the act of removing the testicles of a male animal, thereby rendering it physically incapable of reproducing. The word was later borrowed into Middle English as "emasculaten," and initially retained its literal meaning of castration. However, over time, its meaning expanded to include the figurative sense of depriving something (usually an idea, concept, or activity) of its strength, power, or masculinity. In modern English, "emasculate" is often used to describe the process of diminishing or undermining something that was once strong or potent, often in a way that is perceived as negative or regrettable.


to make somebody/something less powerful or less effective

làm cho ai/cái gì kém quyền lực hơn hoặc kém hiệu quả hơn

to make a man feel that he has lost his male role or qualities

làm cho một người đàn ông cảm thấy rằng anh ta đã mất đi vai trò hoặc phẩm chất nam giới của mình

  • He felt emasculated by her dominance.

    Anh cảm thấy bị suy yếu bởi sự thống trị của cô.

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